1 May 2019 Murashinskiy Plywood Plant LLC transferred manufacturing to output its production according to GOST 3916.1-2018. 30 April 2019 we received a certificate of compliance №РОСС RU.ДМ28.Н01030. According to this certificate plywood produced by Murashinskiy Plywood Plant LLC corresponds to GOST 3916.1-2018 in the part of chip resistance, static bending, tensile strengths, moisture and roughness. Plant’s production corresponds to regulation on ultra-low level of fomaldehyde emissions E 0,5. That’s guarantee safety to the end user.
Murashinskiy Plywood Plant highlights the point that they are one of the first factories in Russia who produces birch plywood on ultra-low level of formaldehyde emissions E 0,5. This fact is very important for us because we pay special attention to environmental products and care about our buyers. The ecology and responsible production are on the company’s priority list. The Plant is certified quarterly, implement and improve manufacturing processing to conform to the highest global standards and to be the first on Russian and global market.